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Roadtour 2008 - Veluwe Tour

The van Ballegooij's lead us home

The men

Going home

We are almost there...

Cleaning & polishing!

the day before the tour a lot of polishing and cleaning is being done!

The chairman is busy

Even our chairman rob is bussy.....

The starting point - the city of Elburg

The tour started from the city of Elburg.

Dead musquitos

The posse from the North of Holland needed to cross a 35 km dike, this was the result.

Smelly Eddy!

The Dutch country side

The 2nd half of the convoy

The group consisted out of 21 cars. Here a shot of the 2nd part of the group, the C3s untill the C6s.

Arrival at the lunch stop

Andre' is coordinating the line up

During lunch the idea of a photoshoot came up. Andre' organized the line-up of the cars based on the years.

Eddy and his 58

Piet and his 59

Rob and his 59

Sander & Rene' and their 60

Jan and his 60 fuelie

Brandy and his 61

Joep and his 64

Mike and his 65

Family Boer and their 67

Family Boer and their 68

Cees and the 69

Erik & Andrea and their 69

Fred and his 72

Yvonne & Martin and their 72

Rodney and the 99

Cruising part 1

Cruising part 2

Waiting for the train to pass

Men in orange

Mike and Han

Fresh gas and oil for the trip back home

Look at me!!!

Remco and his 92

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